Patient Inquiry

IBA is an Anesthesia Billing office. We provide comprehensive services to Anesthesia providers in the United States.
In many cases you may not have met your Anesthetist or their billing is through the name of a group practice rather than their individual name.
This statement is being sent to advise you of a balance that is due for services your Doctor requested. Charges have been filed as a courtesy, to the insurance company on file at the facility and any balance shown on this statement is due by you.
For those of you that are local our phone number is 573-686-5550 and toll free for patients outside our area is 800-243-8422. You can also email us at however, please put your account number in the subject line.
Yes, most of our providers approve non- interest bearing payment plans. We ask that you contact our office immediately upon receiving your statement to keep your account as current as possible. Do not ignore your statement, if you disagree with the statement please call us immediately to discuss your questions. Failure to contact our office could result in your account being forwarded to a collection agency without cause.
Some of our providers are set up to accept Credit Cards. If your statement has an option for credit cards at the top then your provider has an active account. You may submit your payment on line by going to the home page and clicking "pay my bill". If your statement does not have that option we may still be able to accept your payment over the phone by check.